Friday, June 26, 2009

Back from Nicaragua...

It's been a while since my last post because my parents came into town from Texas right after we returned from Nicaragua. I love showing them around this amazing city, but I must say it was difficult to make the transition from a 2-week stay in an impoverished country to the extravagance of American life. We were without electricity or potable water, surrounded by a foreign culture and ecosystem, and quickly became immersed. To return to superfluous gadgets and luxuries was difficult to accept and made all of us feel paradoxically guilty and thankful for what we have.
This picture is of some of the Field Trip students looking out over Lake Nicaragua and Granada from the cloud forest atop Mombacho, an inactive volcano. Like every aspect of this country, it was incredible.

1 comment:

malaria blog for evolution said...

Looks wonderful Dr. Walker! By the way, I found this trailer just came out for "Creation" and I'm not sure if you have heard of it yet, but it actually looks pretty good.