Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The last few weeks...

...have been lots of fun!  I volunteered as a recycling monitor at a Bridging the Gap recycling station at Boulevardia (a local beer festival) in an effort to help make it a green event.  I also went to an interesting talk (with some of my favorite people, below) about the Cambrian Explosion.  And in the last week, Dr. Sturgill and I have been to two Royals games!  Unfortunately, they were both losses; but they made for exciting times at the K.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Biology Field Trip

During the last two weeks of May, Dr. Chad Scholes and I took five awesome students to Appalachia for our Biology Field Trip class.  We packed the seven of us and all of our camping gear in the Rockhurst Student Development mini-van and headed east.  We saw so much amazing biology, and even went to a Willie Nelson concert and hiked 8.5 miles of the Appalachian Trail!  What a trip.